I’m still here! I took an unplanned (and therefore unannounced) break from writing the blog, which was intended to be for a week, but expanded to a month and then two months… WHOOPS. I confess I needed some time off from ye olde Frugalwoods after consistently posting for 9.5 years. That’s the longest I’ve ever done any one job and I realized during this impromptu hiatus that I–gasp–MISSED writing and MISSED all of you. Sometimes one must have some absence in order for one to realize what one misses. So, I’m checking in to let you know that I haven’t died or abandoned Frugalwoods, but that I am trying to discern how often I’ll write going forward. The days of thrice weekly posts are definitively over, but on the other extreme, I don’t particularly want to take full months off again either. Thank you for your patience as I–once again–figure out what I want to do with my life. I like writing and I like helping people with their money and I’m very thankful that I get to do just that.

My vision going forward is to post a new Reader Case Study each month.

The Reader Case Studies are the clearest distillation of what my work is evolving into: more helping other people with their money; less talking about moi-self. As longtime readers know, my writing on Frugalwoods began essentially as a money diary. A way for me to understand my own feelings about my money and how I wanted to create a different sort of life, one divorced from the rampant consumerism and hectic oneupmanship that dominates a large share of media in America. I’m humbled by how many folks have followed along these 9+ years and in awe of the deeply inspiring conversations, friendships and self-exploration this work has prompted for me. The other reason for my intended new focus on Reader Case Studies is the indisputable fact that…

I’m Tired Of Writing About Myself

What I learned during this unplanned sabbatical is that, frankly, I’m tired of writing about myself. I’ve spilled a lot of digital ink delving into my own finances, my financial psyche, and my approach to everything from making oatmeal to index fund investing. And it’s been fun! And rewarding! But as my kids get older, I’m less comfortable mining my life for content and less comfortable sharing the nuances of their lives. I also think I’ve probably said just about everything I have to say–if not here on blog, then in my book.

That being said, I want to continue our Frugalwoods community and continue serving as a resource for people at every stage of the financial journey. I envision that happening in a few ways going forward:

  1. Through a monthly Reader Case Study here on the blog, where we’ll read through a reader’s real live finances and offer compassionate, productive feedback and advice. I also have a new search tool for the Reader Case Studies (of which there are 104) that enables you to search for specific Case Studies based on age range, income level, retirement plan, marital status, profession, location and more! I hope this will help folks find Case Studies that reflect their own financial situations and questions.
  2. Through the archives of this blog. There are 737 published posts on Frugalwoods in addition to my book, Meet the Frugalwoods. If you’re curious about my thoughts on any given topic, check out the new categories on the blog homepage. I did my best to re-organize old posts into consolidated categories to help with searching. Hopefully this is more easily navigable than my previous 8,000 different categories :).
  3. Through my one-on-one financial consultations and financial plans. If you’d like my help with your money, you can read more about what I offer and hire me here. I’ll help you understand your entire financial situation, set clear goals, and provide practical solutions for managing your money.
  4. Through being interviewed on podcasts and the radio. I enjoy being on other people’s podcasts and, if you’re a podcast listener, you can keep up with the shows I’m on via this page.
  5. Through my free Uber Frugal Month Challenge (UFM). As most of you already know, you can take the Uber Frugal Month on your own at any old time. As you may also know, we take the UFM together every single January. This January will be our 7th annual UFM Group Challenge. Sign-up in the box below to join me!

Does This Mean You’ll Never Write About Your Life Ever Again?

Nope! I’ve learned to “never say never” since I often practice the art of changing my mind. I very well might come across a new challenge or discovery about myself in the future that’ll warrant new posts (or another book) or… who knows! But at present, I’m settled and content on my peaceful rural homestead with my husband of 15 years and our two daughters, now ages 5 and 8. I’m in a phase of deep gratitude for what we’ve built and, in many ways, I have less to write about versus when we were in the striving-for-this-goal phase. We’re contentedly boring at this point, with no major news or financial revelations to share. Life’s good and I’m grateful. But, as all my fellow writers know, boring and happy often doesn’t translate into interesting content for readers. Life is long and unpredictable, so I may yet surprise myself and return to full-time blogging. Or not. Time will tell! But, I wanted you all to be aware of where I’m at in this journey so that you can continue to walk alongside me–if you want to–in this new iteration of Frugalwoods.

It’s Time To Sign-Up for the January 2024 UFM Group Challenge!

The UFM is a tradition I want to continue since it outlines the process my husband and I followed to kick-start our own frugal journey. It’s also the roadmap we used to reach financial independence. I also want to continue the UFM because I’ve heard from thousands of folks that the Challenge changed their financial lives for the better. If you haven’t taken the UFM before, check out my FAQs:

Q: What’s the UFM?

Not to be confused with Underwear Fang Monkeys or Universal Folk-dancing Moths, the Uber Frugal Month Challenge (UFM) is my FREE, 31-day, holistic, emailed-based money re-vamp program. You can sign-up to take it at any time, but we take the UFM as a group every January.

From January 1-31, I’ll send you an email a day with specific steps on how to improve your finances. There’ll be motivational mantras thrown in, but the primary purpose of the UFM is to give you detailed, straightforward, easy-to-follow financial action items. Woohoo!

A lot of people (me included!) take the UFM every single year as a refresher course to help get back on track or to confirm that they’re still in great financial shape. Other people come to it as money beginners and end the month with new confidence about their finances. Still others are at expert level and take the course as a way to connect with the broader Frugalwoods community and offer encouragement and advice to newer community members.

It’s fun (I mean, at the very least, it’s not painful), it’s free (totally free), and it’s written in plain English (no financial jargon allowed).

The Uber Frugal Month isn’t just about saving money. It’s a holistic re-evaluation and re-structuring of our human relationship with one of the most polarizing, stress-inducing, divorce-causing, fear-mongering things: our money. Money does not have to be any of those things. Money can be a beast you tame, understand, and make work for you–not against you. You can either master your money or it can master you. Join me and take charge.

A few years ago I launched a private Facebook group for UFM participants to share ideas, discuss challenges and be in community together, which means your next question very well might be…

Q: How do I join the private Uber Frugal Month Facebook group?

You’ll receive a link to join after you sign-up for the UFM. If you’re already in this private Facebook group–which thousands of you are–don’t worry, you don’t need to do anything. Just keep being awesome and supportive in the group!

Q: Do I need to use Facebook (or other social media) in order to participate?

Nope! The Challenge is conducted entirely via email and here on Frugalwoods. The UFM Facebook Group is an optional bonus. No need to sign-up for Facebook in order to participate in the UFM. All you have to do is sign-up with your email address in the box below.

Q: If I’ve already taken the UFM, can I take it again?

Absolutely! I had my tech guy (AKA Mr. Frugalwoods) set up the email thing-y such that you can sign-up to re-take the Challenge with the same email address you used to take the Challenge previously. You do, however, need to sign-up again in order to join us starting January 1st.

Real Live People Love The UFM!!!

Fun as it is to read what I write (right?!), it’s even MORE fun to read what other people (real, live people!) have said about their participation in the Uber Frugal Month Challenge. Lucky for you, I’ve collected testimonials from past Challenge participants who’ve written heartfelt notes about how the UFM changed their finances and ultimately, their lives. Here are but a few selected for your enjoyment and published with permission.

“I’ve enjoyed completing this month with you. You’re totally right about the importance of cooking at home and not eating out often. It’s good for the wallet and the waistline since we have control over what we put in our food. Our money shows our priorities. Today is my payday for January and with some unexpected expenses having cropped up in November and December I’m well-positioned to have it all paid off with the discipline from January. Thank you for the motivation!” -SK

“I wanted to reply almost every single morning with solid reaffirmation of your frugal tenets. It’s great to see such a comprehensive guide through the frugal mindset. It reinforced that I’m on the right path, but discipline is required to keep in check. I think anyone who hasn’t adopted it might not understand the very real happiness you report. They should understand that you aren’t uniquely suited to this, your advice is extremely practical!I’ll be here next year as a self check-up. Thank you so much!” -Adam

“Thank you so much for your daily emails and encouragement. It helped me to stay focused, to learn, and to implement new ideas and ways of thinking.” -Donna

“It was a delight to read all the emails from you. It made clear sense to not spend more on the things I would of spent my money on, but it was freeing to not do that….I’ve been on a frugal journey already, but to read your emails was such a delight to see all the suggestions that you gave. I’ve kept some to go back and read them again. It gave me purpose to keep right on going” -Arthur

“What was clear from the start was how many times I had to say no. It felt like every weekend there were just so many ways to spend money, but nothing was really needed. Saying no to frivolous expenditures was shocking at first, but half-way through the month it became my mission. Now I see that what I would have spent money on was just things, not needed things, just places to go, time to waste, etc. I saved some money, but that money will snowball if I continue next month, which I will! Thank you for this guided lesson, I learned so much” -Mary

“This UFM was surprisingly easy! It’s also my…third or fourth time trying it?- and none of those went well. I started out strong but fizzled out, falling back into old spending habits. This is the first time I’ve done an UFM as a working parent (my son is almost 2), so I think the extreme lack of leisure time was helpful 🙂 But I also have a better understanding of why I am interested in frugality and the many ways it benefits me, my family, and the future we want. This month has been a good reset. It hasn’t felt restrictive, it’s felt empowering.” -Meredith

Chickens: unconcerned about winter

“I am very grateful for your writing and insights, especially this month’s frugality mindset series. It was a great re-set, re-directioning for me. I have had frugal periods of life but have gotten away from it. This series was a great reminder, renewer, teacher for how I want to live moving forward.” -Sarah

“I have compared our month’s spending for this challenge month, as compared to November (as December I had some irregularities and bookkeeping variances). We have saved a bit over $1,600 on our overall spending. We have also cut our food spending by $975. Your blog and this challenge has really started us on the values spending journey.” -Samantha

“I thought I knew everything about frugality, but your articles gave me some new perspectives about why frugality and lowered consumption is important to me. ” -L.P.

“I managed to save a lot more money this time around, I think doing this challenge more than once helps to refocus on goals.” -Ashley

“This is my second year completing the Uber frugal months with you and our community. I’m on my way to living this as a lifestyle not just months.” -Maxine

“I just finished the Uber Frugal Month (again!) and it is always good to get back to basics and reevaluate what and why I’m doing what I’m doing. Being frugal is my default setting, but it is still good to reset and give some neglected areas a little attention.” -Vanessa

“This month was enlightening for me. It was mainly because of the wonderful emails. The very thing I objected to on the challenge, I found to be great! Your messages about in-sourcing resonated with me.  Those emails came after I saw the power of in-sourcing in my own life.  I’ve also surprised myself at finding things I enjoy at discount or for free! Frugality helps us quiet so much of the noise that takes us away from each other.” -D.S.

“It has surprised me how easy it was to not buy anything but food. I do have a long way to go on that front but I’m excited for the challenge. I feel this is a lifestyle to work toward & that is why I thank you. I absolutely love the Facebook community you have created also. Makes me feel warm & fuzzy!” -Jamie

“My month was great! I didn’t miss much and was able to use my savings to snowball extra money towards my daughter’s student loans. Win-win! Thank you for your inspiration!” -Christie

“This frugal challenge has been great for my wallet, my health and with my time management. I’m now also starting to evaluate my goals, what do I want in this life, being in the frugal challenge has triggered this… I really like your writing style and I’ve looked forward each day to see what is next on the challenge and reading the associated links.” -Wayne

I hope you’ll join me next month on this journey to financial wellness!

Similar Posts


  1. Why couldn’t you have posted something like, ‘I’m taking a break. I’m not dead and the fam is fine.’ For me, just going dark was way too much drama. You underestimated how much people care for you, Liz. I hope you really are doing well. Take care.

    1. Not that Mrs. FW needs me to defend her, but I am astounded that this is the first comment on this piece. Mrs. FW does not owe us anything and while I also missed her, she didn’t start or partake in any “drama.” She merely did not post on a blog; that is all.

    2. I respectfully disagree; we aren’t her employer and she owes us zero explanation. It seems you are deeply invested in her writing, which is high praise, but I think this could have been communicated with more praise and less critique.

  2. You don’t have an email for me to reach you at so I need to ask you here. I am close to being able to retire. I asked my financial planner if I could now based on my savings and he said yes, but the big hurdle is health insurance. Can you do a blog on how to provide for health insurance when you retire early? I thought Obamacare was to provide for this, but apparently not.

    The sad reality about work in America is you are held hostage to your job because of health insurance. Not sure about the reason for this, but it’s a means of control and makes you value a job that otherwise has very little meaning otherwise.

    1. I totally agree! I know many people who hang on miserably counting down years, watching their time and health slip away because we wait for Medicare. I don’t want to retire on the ACA only to have the republicans gut it next year.

      1. You still have to pay for Medicare, it’s just like any other healthcare! ( the only difference it’s basically mandatory) As far as I know Republicans are not to blame for the healthcare, look at your current government issues with that .

  3. Liz, so glad you are back. But happier all is well.
    Look forward to reading. As a recipient of a sabbatical, highly recommend one. The other piece to consider is, like my buddy Beth at Budget Bytes, build a team. So looking forward to more posts.

  4. Regarding Mr. Bojangles’ question on health insurance, “Obamacare” (our state’s exchange) has provided my husband and I with good, affordable health insurance for the past 5 early retired years. It allowed me to leave a job that was no longer fulfilling. Some states don’t have their own exchange; in that case, plans are available to you on the federal exchange. We have always had access to a few different insurers but this varies depending on where you live. Also, you will need to predict your income for the coming year, and if it’s so low that you qualify for Medicaid (see your state’s Medicaid eligibility info), you would use that instead. Hope that helps.

    1. I’m in that situation. But would only need private health insurance for a year and a half before Medicare. But could you tell me: does the exchange include income from Social Security and a pension? Will that amount mean that the break on insurance won’t be that great? Thanks

  5. Agree with MrBojangles. Like many of my friends, I ended up “working for my health insurance” coverage. I saved well and was told I could easily retire. Two considerations impacted me: when you learn to save (and save…) it’s a hard shift to start spending, knowing your money needs to last 30+ years (heard referred to as 30 years of unemployment). In addition, depending on where you live, health insurance even under “ObamaCare” is very expensive when you have income — and as someone who accumulated assets that generate dividends and other income, the good healthcare options in NY state approached the cost of Cobra — a tough mind shift to make.

    I’d also like to see a blog on how and when to make the shift to retirement — how to change from saving to using savings and things to think about when planning to smartly draw down a lifetime of saving. I will retire from fulltime work within the next year and have been fortunate to ease down to a job 4 minutes from my house, with less responsibilities. And it’s wonderful to know that work is a choice — it makes all the difference to know I can walk away!

    These topics would nicely continue the frugal story.

    Good luck on your evolving journey too! I look forward to reading more.

    1. Completely agree! I anticipate making the shift to not working/ using our savings within the next decade, and would like to read more about this phase of FIRE.

  6. You were missed. Glad you are back. It is your life to do with what you want. Sorry for those throwing drama your way.

    1. Seeing your comment here reminded me of your blog! I thought you stopped writing, but I guess it’s still there, though a bit anonymous…

  7. Welcome back! I was just thinking about this blog. I welcome your insights and work whenever you post them. Thanks for all you do for the community.

  8. Thank you for all of the information you’ve shared over the years. You’ve helped my family so much. So glad you were able to take a break!

  9. Glad you’re doing well, Liz! The shift in the blog makes a lot of sense. I’ll miss getting small peeks into your life (and will definitely poke around the archive), but Reader Case Studies have always been my favorite, so I’m glad you’ll be keeping those!

  10. Feeling the end of an era here. All good things must … shift I suppose, but it is bittersweet. I have been following and diligently reading since 2016. I do understand and respect your reasoning, and frankly being as consistent as you have been for nearly 10 years is something I could never do, so kudos to you.

    For those talking about health insurance above, I do have one thing to note that, while it won’t apply to all, and perhaps not even many, I feel like isn’t talked about at all: private health insurance. If you’re relatively healthy (ie low risk), you may be surprised at the rates you can get simply buying through an insurance broker, policygenius, etc. 100% understand that many people are NOT low-risk, and/or have expensive regular medications, but there may be some who are who think buying private health insurance is worse than it is.

  11. i have to confess when i saw your new blog i reread every case study in a row like a book over a month. you could easily publish that as a book. it was by chance that you took a break right after my most intense reading (and completely enjoying) your content. it made me miss you all the more. your writing and commitment is amazing. i was further saddened by all the non-sense people dumped on you unfairly about running a business and how victimized and hurt some people were when you wanted to charge for your talent and hard work. i hope that did not have undue influence on your puling back. i support you either way just wanted you to know how many people adore you and your choices. we are lucky to have you….
    however, for the love of all that is sacred you MUST update on the remodel of the house!!!! haha

  12. Lovely to hear from you again and to learn that all is well. I do the challenge every January but a slightly different way. I shop my fridge, freezer and cupboard to use up as much as I can after Christmas. For any shopping I use my Nectar card, a supermarket card that gains points when you shop and I have about $80 on mine, saved through the year. Hopefully I can end the month without having spent any actual money!

  13. Regrettable, but I understand it.

    To me, the most important part was the monthly expenses and (if you would’ve felt comfortable sharing) your net worth and stock performances, the rest I never cared about.

  14. I hope you will still consider, even quarterly, update posts on your family and aspects of frugality that affect the girls at their ages. I think a lot of people think “oh that works when they are really young” or “that works for homeschoolers but not for my kids in public school” and such. While protecting their privacy, shifting perspectives on everything from gift-giving to handling birthday parties to clothing could be really helpful for your readers, as you have always been. And the peek into your family on occasion will hold us readers like nothing else.

    We love you Frugalwoods. All of you. We missed you these last few weeks (and worried a trifle). Your gardening and nature woods walks and maple-syrup-making keep us here with you (and those incredible Vermont pictures). Your slice of normalcy draws us. Please don’t let the family disappear.

    1. Thank you, Nancy! I appreciate those ideas. I will mull over the idea of a quarterly family update. I think you’re right that I can probably find a way to share what’s working with our kids while still protecting their privacy.

  15. Was wondering where you got to 🤗

    While I totally understand the shift and wish you the best I will truly miss the “boring” posts about the family, seeing the girls growing, seeing the evolution of home and homestead. It was never boring, it was a sweet break from the chaos of what’s become of good ole USA and the world. A mini mind vacation with one of my favorite internet families. So maybe a seasonal family catch up?

    I do love the advice to others as well. Wishing you all the very best!

  16. Hi There, I have certainly enjoyed your travels through life and young children but I have yet to read anything about senior citizens and how they must live within their incomes. I am not on a strict spending budget which is slightly upsetting. But my difficulty is trying to figure out how long my bank account will last. This last idea is not answerable, I realize that but there must be some answer or equation that I haven’t encountered that would give me a glimpse under the tent.
    Perhaps you might have this answer?

  17. Hi Liz.
    Welcome back! You definitely were missed. So glad to hear that nothing awful was going on during your sabbatical. It’s nice to pull back and decide what changes you need to make to continue to be healthy in all ways. I sure will miss the antics of the girls. I understand their need to be absent from Mom’s job-but, a story or photo would be nice to see. Look forward to reading you again!

  18. Welcome back, you were missed! Glad everyone is doing well. And totally understand a change of pace on the blog. Archive categories are great… I will be peeking at them often as I transition to PT work and cruise through FI.

  19. Liz, I’m so glad to hear you’re following where the road may lead in your next phase of life. You’ve inspired many small experiments for me over the years and I’m grateful for your thoughts and ideas that you’ve shared over the years. I resonate so much with the transition that you are in and it’s honestly comforting to know that others, like you, are in this same place. I too, am in a very contented place of life and struggle to share inspiring content about my life. It will be lovely to see how you evolve as a writer in this coming phase. Thank you for all of the insights into your life and thoughts for so many years. I’m looking forward to continue reading whatever you decide to share in the future.

  20. Everyone needs to step back every now and again. And you should be proud the FB group is another one of your happy little creations. You do great work. Happy Christmas to all there!

  21. Liz, you have a real talent for writing and a unique blog voice. I will miss hearing about your own finances and the farm and girls.

  22. Great photos, Liz, and thanks for the update! I missed reading your posts/case studies these last few months! Please share updates about your garden and maple sugaring if you’re ever inspired! Those were some of my favorite topics from your homestead series 🙂 Cheers

  23. Love the press page and can’t wait to check out the podcasts you’ve been on this year! I found your work through the Martinis and Your Money podcast, and those old happy hour shows are some of my favorites. I do hope you return for an episode in the final season of the show!

  24. So happy you’re back! Whenever you choose to post, I will happily read! Thank you for all you have done to help folks with finances.

  25. Hi Liz,
    Welcome back, you were definitely missed. I’m glad all is well with you and your family. I understand you changing up your format but I’m like so many others, I truly enjoyed your post regarding you and your family on the homestead. I really was looking forward to the update regarding your garage and the changes around the homestead. I also enjoyed reading about “What we spend” and “Smart Buys”.
    Thanks for posting this month.

  26. We totally missed you, but I for one am so happy you followed your heart and know you will continue to do so! Looking forward to whatever the FutureFrugal brings! <3

  27. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I’ve seen the gobs of comments on your status. You have to take care of you and of your family. If that means pulling away from writing blog posts in order to live the life you want – more power to you. Life gets a little tricky when mixed with kids getting older and you want them to freely live their lives. The trolling on the internet is real and shielding them from it is a good thing. Me, personally, think you are doing a great thing by reevaluating how the blog is best going to work for you and the well being of your family. Many wishes for a happy new year.

  28. Very glad your absence was not due to a family emergency or tragedy, and nice to have you back even if less frequently. I join the chorus of those who hope for a quarterly or twice a year update on how your thoughts are evolving as your kids (and you) age. Like scenery pics of the homestead, too.

  29. Welcome back!

    Wondering if you can explain more here or in a future post or point to where you have explained this in the past: You are advertising your services for a financial consultation. But in the intro to the case studies you write:

    “And a disclaimer that I am not a trained financial professional and I encourage people not to make serious financial decisions based solely on what one person on the internet advises. “

    What is the difference between what you are offering privately and the advice you are giving in the case study?

    Thank you from a long time follower!

  30. Thank you for the updated post! I completely understand your need for a break and to back off of things. Like others have mentioned, I would love to hear an update on the homestead, the renovations, and the family – with privacy & security top of mind. So many readers have come to truly care about you and your family, we would love to hear how you are continuing to do and wish you all the best.
    I’ve learned so much over the years by hearing how you and the Mr. managed things – the soda stream hack, the process of making maple syrup, delaying purchases, solar and how to be frugally minded in so many different ways. Learning your mindset towards quality & frugality, your product recommendations typically had me checking out the links and some of those products I’ve purchased for myself or my family. And the main reason which reeled me in and kept me reading all these years (9+) is your writing style. It has always been good and has evolved over the years into truly wonderful.
    So thank you for what you have given. It is enough as is. If you chose to share more, we will be here.
    Take care and happy holidays!

  31. Welcome back! I realised in your absence that I rely on regular blog updates to help keep me motivated on my seemingly endless FIRE journey. 🤍

  32. Thank you for writing. I’d love to hear, when you feel like it, your expenses. Photos and info of your kids doesn’t need to be included, but I’d love to hear how you save on kids for these ages, as I think it changes. But if you don’t want to that’s ok, thank you for encouraging all of us. Lots of love and good wishes to you and your family

  33. Welcome back! I too loved the expense reports and being able to ‘compare’ or know what to expect with my own growing kiddos… but I absolutely understand the need for privacy. This space is yours to do whatever feels best for you and your family— and I will continue to happily read however it evolves!

  34. I figured you must be taking a break and working on your skiing! You do you. Write when you want. Rest when you want. Enjoy yourself always 😊 Thanks for everything you do.

  35. Welcome back and wishing you luck as you envision what kind of work is most meaningful in this new chapter. You’ve given readers so much over the years and I look forward to following along for what comes next. Take care!

  36. Really disappointed to hear this, but not surprised. The writing was on the wall ever since the new website design. Probably my favorite thing about frugalwoods was that you didn’t pretend that FIRE is within reach for everyone, unlike basically every other finance influencer. I’m not looking forward to going back to hordes of white tech bros.

    1. Thank you for your blog and book. I loved both! They hit at exactly the right time in my life. As you transition into the new version of Frugal Woods I wish you and your family the best. Thanks also for suggesting the buy nothing group. Thanks to you I’ve been a member of our local one for the past 7 or 8 years? And I LOVE it. Off to do three pick ups this morning and to give back a shirt I borrowed for a holiday meal. So awesome. Thanks 😊

  37. You. Do. You. Whatever that looks like, however that shifts; it’s good and you remain an amazing human! I applaud your taking a step back and evaluating what you want and assessing how to balance what you need. You CONTINUE to set an example of autonomy and strength; thank you! If you never post another damn thing – I’m still grateful you have contributed the way you have! Peace, joy, and rest to you and yours!

  38. It’s great to have you back, and your honesty about taking a break is refreshing. Your focus on helping others through Reader Case Studies is a fantastic idea, providing valuable insights into real financial situations. EMUCoupon has been my companion on the frugal journey, offering smart ways to save money. Have you considered incorporating platforms like EMUCoupon into your financial advice for readers, offering additional tips on maximizing savings and finding great deals during this new phase of Frugalwoods?

  39. Though I’ve not saved as much as possible so far this Uber Frugal Month, there was significantly less drama regarding 2 financial emergencies, that in the past would have caused me to suffer a full panic attack.

    1) My oil company double-billed me for a nearly $400 delivery
    2) Our adopted kitten ended up at the Emergency Vet in Cambridge, MA

    Had there not been a small Emergency Fund in my account, both of these events would have been handled very differently. As it is, I was able to remain calmer, and get through them, more determined to put these lessons into practice in my daily life.

    I’ve finally established achievable goals for the future, as has my 19 year-old daughter. Though still in college, she has already decided she wants to be self sufficient, financially independent and retire early (FIRE). The Uber Frugal Month is one of the clearest, easiest ways to begin gaining control of one’s money, and I am very grateful you offer this to all of us.

  40. I’m sure you’re alive and thriving on your “sabbatical”, but if you ever want to share pictures of how the remodel is coming along…I, for one, would love to see it.
    I do miss your blog posts, but would never begrudge a mother of two and homesteader less work in her life! Take your time…enjoy those little ones.

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